Image: "Ma'am, you need to get ready. It's Coronation Day."
Image: "For the first time in forever there'll be music, there'll be light. For the first time in forever I'll be dancing through the night."
Image: "Don't let them in, don't let them see; be the good girl you always have to be."
Image: "For the first time in forever, we won't be alone!"
Image: Anna: "Oh, I wish it could be like this always." Elsa: "I'm sorry, but it just can't."
Image: Anna meets Hans in the Ballroom. "This is awkward. Not cause you're awkward, cause I'm awkward. You're gorgeous. Wait...what?"
Image: The Coronation of Queen Elsa
Image: "Introducing Queen Elsa, Queen of Arendelle."
Image: The Duke of Weasletown is introduced to Queen Elsa at her Coronation Ball.
Image: Duke of Weasleton: "May I have this dance?"
Image: "All my life has been a series of doors in my face and then suddenly I bump into you."
Image: Hans: "Can I say something crazy? Will you marry me?" Anna: "Can I say something even crazier? YES!"
Image: Anna and Hans: 'We would like your blessing of our marriage." Queen Elsa: " Nobody marries somebody they've just met!"
Image: Anna: "Why do you shut me out, Elsa? Why do you shut everybody out? What are you so afraid of?" Elsa: "I said enough Anna.......ENOUGH!!!"
Image: Elsa: "What have I done?" Hans: "Did you know?" Anna: "No, could I?"
Image: Duke of Weasleton: "Monster, Monster!" "I've slipped on your ice!"
Image: Anna: "I must go after her! This is all my fault. I didn't mean for her to lose control. I didn't mean for her to run away. I leave you, Prince Hans of the Southern Isles, to look after Arendelle."
Image: "Let it go, let it go - Can't hold it back anymore; Let it go, let it go - Turn away and slam the door."
Image: "I don't care - What they're going to say; Let the storm rage on - The cold never bothered me anyway."
Image: "Hoo-hoo! Big summer blow out! Half off swimming suits, clogs and a sun balm of my own invention, ya?" Oaken
Image: "You want to talk about a supply and demand problem? I sell ice for a living!" Kristoff
Image: "Where are my carrots? Sven
Image: "You want to talk about a supply and demand problem? I sell ice for a living!" Kristoff
Image: "Where are my carrots? Sven
Image: "Reindeers are better than people. Sven, don't you think that is true?"
Image: "Whoa! Get your feet down. That is fresh lacquer. Seriously, were you born in a barn?"
Image: Hang on! You mean to say you got engaged to someone you just met that day?"
Image: "Wolves! What do we do?" Anna
Image: "Just hang on and don't get eaten!" Kristoff
Image: "Get ready to.........JUMP!!"
Image: Snow is really beautiful, isn't it? But it's so white. You know, how about a little colour? How about yellow? No not yellow. Yellow and snow? No go!"
Image: "Hi everyone! I'm Olaf, and I like warm hugs."
Image: "I really don't know why, but I've always loved the idea of summer, and sun, and all things hot."
Image: "A drink in my hand - my snow up against the burning sand. Probably getting gorgeously tanned in summer!"
Image: "I'm gonna tell him." Kristoff "Don't you dare!" Anna
Image: "Prince Hans, are we expected to just sit here and freeze while you give away all of Arendelle's tradable goods?" Duke of Weselton
Image: "Be prepared for anything. And should you encounter the Queen, you are to put an end to this winter. Do you understand?"
Image: "So how exactly are you planning to stop this weather?" asks Kristoff. "I'm going to talk to my sister." says Anna "I bet she's the nicest, gentlest, warmest person ever." guesses Olaf.
Image: "I've only got one rope and you don't know how to climb mountains." points out Kristoff
Image: "Knock..........Just knock......Why isn't she knocking? Do you think she knows how to knock?"
Image: "Whoa Elsa! You look different. It's a good different. And this place is........Amazing!!"
Image: "Hi, I'm Olaf. You built me. Do you remember that?" And you're alive?" asks Elsa shocked
Image: "Elsa, we were so close. We can be like that again" "No we can't. Goodbye Anna."
Image: "We can head down this mountain together - You don't have to live in fear. For the first time in forever - I'll be right here."
Image: "You mean well, but let me be; yes I'm alone, but I'm alone and free. Just stay away and you'll be safe from me."
Image: "I'm not leaving without you, Elsa." "YES YOU ARE!!"
Image: "I'll distract him. You guys go. Oh boy, this day just got a whole lot harder!"
Image: "Now what? What am I gonna do? She threw me out! I can't go back to Arendelle with the weather like this. And then there's your ice business.........."
Image: "Don't worry about my ice business. Worry about your hair! It's because she struck you, isn't it?"
Image: "Get it together. Control it. Don't feel. Don't feel."
Image: "Now, I don't want to scare you. My family can be a little bit inappropriate. And loud ......very loud. They're also stubborn at times.....and a little overbearing and heavy,......really, really heavy!"
Image: "He's crazy! Look, I'll distract him while you two run!"
Image: "Grand Pabbie's napping, but look, I've earnt my fire crystal."
Image: "Is it the clumpy way he walks or the grumpy way he talks? Or the pear-shaped weirdness of his feet?
Image: " But you'll never meet a fella who's as sensitive and sweet!"
Image: "So he's a bit of a fixer-upper - so he's got a few flaws."
Image: "Can we please stop talking about this? We've got a real, actual problem here!"
Image: "Is it the way that he runs scared, or that he's socially impaired? Or that he only likes to tinkle in the woods?"
Image: "So he's a bit of a fixer-upper, but we know what to do. The way to fix up this fixer-upper is to fix him up with you!"
Image: "We're not saying we can change him, 'cause people don't really change. We're only saying that love's a force that's powerful and strange."
Image: "Do you take Kristoff to be your trollfully wedded..." "Wait! What?" "You're getting married."
Image: "We are here to find Princess Anna. Be on guard men, but remember, no harm is to come to the Queen." Prince Hans
Image: "The Queen! Come on, let's get her!" "We'll go around!" "Fire!....Fire!........Get her!........"
Image: "Oh no! What have I done? Why did you bring me here?" Queen Elsa "I'm a danger to Arendelle. Get Anna." "Don't you see? I can't stop the winter."
Image: " My Lady, you had us all worried sick!" "You poor girl. Let's get you closer to the fire to get you warm. you're freezing!"
Image: "Hans, quickly! You must kiss me! Please, Hans, my life depends on it!" pleads Anna. "Whoa! Slow down. What happened out there?" asks Hans. "I'll give you two some privacy," says the Maid.
Image: "Elsa struck me with her powers." "You said she'd never hurt you!" "I was wrong." "She froze my heart and only an act of true love can save me."
Image: "Oh, Anna! If only there was someone out there who truly loved you! says Hans sarcastically.
Image: "Princess Anna is......dead." announces Hans "She was killed by Queen Elsa." "At least we got to say our marriage vows before she died in my arms." lies Hans.
Image: "With a heavy heart, I charge Queen Elsa with treason."
Image: "What is it buddy? What's wrong with you? " "No, Sven, we're not going back. "She's with her true love!"
Image: "Please Olaf, you can't stay here; you'll melt," pleads Princess Anna. "Some people are worth melting for." says Olaf.
Image: "Wow! It's Kristoff and Sven! They're coming back this way!. I guess Kristoff doesn't love you enough to leave you behind!."
Image: "Your sister returned from the mountain weak and cold. She said that you froze her heart." states Hans "No!" replies Elsa. "I tried to save her, but it was too late. Her skin was ice. Her hair had turned white. Your sister is dead - because of you!" lies Hans.
Image: "Oh Anna! You sacrificed yourself for me?" weeps Elsa.
Image: "I love you," whispers a weak voice from Elsa. Anna's fingers start to move! A gasp of breath. "An act of true love with thaw a frozen heart," announces Olaf.
Image: "Love with thaw. Love....of course!"
Image: Two sisters, reuinted once more!
Image: temp "I will return this scoundrel to his country. We shall see what his twelve big brothers think of his behaviour." states the guard.
Image: "This is unacceptable! I am a victim of fear! I have been traumatized! Ow! My neck hurts. Is there a doctor I could see? No? Then I demand to see the Queen!" squeals the Duke of Weselton.
Image: Having fun at rehearsals
Image: Elsa - Alycia Duke of Weselton - Jaiden Anna - Savanna Oaken & Guard - Euin Hans - Toby King, Messenger & Dock Master - Luke Kristoff - Zac Troll Chief's Daughter - Harmony Olaf - Penny Grand Pabbie & Bishop - Brigham Sven - Charlie Ice Workers - Brigham, Harmony, Evie, Roy, Cooper, Grace & Liana Queen - Charlotte Trolls - Brigham, Harmony, Evie, Roy, Cooper, Grace and Liana Maid & Mother - Mimosa Townsfolk - Brigham, Harmony, Evie, Roy, Cooper, Grace and Liana Son - Cooper
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